HomeAid Affiliates Across the Country Collected and Distributed Over 8.3 Million Diapers and Other Essential Baby and Personal Hygiene Items 

HomeAid ‘s Annual Spring and Summer Essentials Drives Deliver Millions of Critical Baby Items to Children and Families Experiencing or at Risk of Homelessness

HomeAid affiliates, in collaboration with several HomeAid building and nonprofit partners, collected 8,310,431 essential items to help those experiencing or at risk of homelessness, during the 2024 HomeAid Essentials Drives that took place from March to August. These necessary items will provide much-needed resources to children, families, and other individuals nationwide. 

This year's HomeAid Essentials took place across the country, with 12 participating HomeAid affiliates. The drives focused on collecting diapers, wipes, and other critically needed baby items that will be distributed to children and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness. HomeAid Phoenix collected socks and underwear, another crucial need for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 

1 in 4 (25%) of parents and caregivers with diaper needs reported having to miss work or school because they did not have enough diapers to drop their child off at childcare, and reported missing, on average, 5.1 workdays in the past 30 days. This represents a loss of $296 per month for a parent earning the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, stated a June 2024 report from the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN). 

To help combat this growing crisis and eliminate the risk of homelessness for many children, families, and individuals, HomeAid Affiliates throughout the country conduct annual spring/summer HomeAid Essential Drives that bring together the building industry and their communities to collect and distribute these crucial items to local service providers. 

Government assistance programs generally cover welfare, food stamps, and Medicaid for low-income households in need, but diapers and wipes are typically not a commodity covered. HomeAid affiliates across the country help address and serve this need by contributing these necessary items to our nonprofit partners who, in turn, give them directly to those families and individuals in need. 

"We are incredibly proud of the collective impact made by HomeAid and our affiliates through this year’s Essentials Drives. The overwhelming response from our communities across the nation has been nothing short of inspiring. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we have been able to provide much-needed diapers and essential supplies to thousands of families experiencing homelessness or hardship. These donations are more than just items — they represent hope, dignity, and relief for parents and caregivers struggling to meet basic needs. Together, we are creating meaningful change and demonstrating that when communities unite for a cause, we can lift each other up in powerful ways." – Scott Larson, CEO, HomeAid America. 

The following are the totals of the 2024 spring/summer essentials campaigns from 12 HomeAid affiliates: 

HomeAid Atlanta — 241,800 

HomeAid Austin — 296,226 

HomeAid Colorado — 3,956,481 

HomeAid Inland Empire — 126,908 

HomeAid National Capital Region — 778,819 

HomeAid Northern California — 26,133 

HomeAid Orange County — 1,136,540 

HomeAid Orlando — 610,502 

HomeAid Phoenix — 8,065 

HomeAid Puget Sound — 41,832 

HomeAid Southern Nevada — 56,364 

HomeAid Utah — 1,036,761 

Media Contact: Monique Waddington, Director of Communications and Donor Relations (mwaddington@homeaid.org) 

About HomeAid 

Founded in 1989, HomeAid develops, builds, and preserves a variety of housing, including emergency, interim, transitional, permanent supportive, and affordable housing through its 19 affiliates in 13 states. In addition, this includes resource centers that provide support services to those experiencing or at risk of homelessness. HomeAid partners with hundreds of nonprofit organizations, nationwide, that provide housing and supportive services that empower residents to move toward self-sufficiency. HomeAid has completed 1,333 housing and community engagement projects with a value of more than $352 million. HomeAid has added over 14,531 beds that have served over 917,994 previously homeless individuals. For more information, visit www.homeaid.org

Source: HomeAid America
